Here is our approach
when you work with us
At the beginning of our work together, in the interests of accuracy and efficiency, and to save time and money, I will provide you with a detailed questionnaire for you to complete at home. When completed, this questionnaire will provide us with a comprehensive, in-depth foundation that will enable you to receive the maximum benefit from counselling or psychotherapy.

The first section of this questionnaire asks you to explain in detail, your reason(s) for coming to see me, including the origins and duration of your difficulties, how you are personally affected by them, who else in your life is affected by them, what you have tried to do so far to deal with these difficulties, and asks you to describe your previous experiences (if any) in working with a counsellor or psychotherapist.
This questionnaire also asks you to describe what your specific goals are in beginning counselling or psychotherapy. In addition, it asks you how you will know that your goals have been met, and asks you to describe the specific ways your life will be better as a result.

The main body of the questionnaire includes detailed questions about your physical and mental health history, medical treatments including prescribed drugs (past and present), relationships with parent-figures and siblings (past and present), relationships with current significant others (spouse, lovers, children, friends), problems with addictions, school and work history, love/sexual relationships, social relationships, traumatic/abusive experiences (past and present), childhood memories, and dreams. After developing a detailed description of your current life situation and the difficulties you are experiencing, together, we will build a treatment plan that is uniquely tailored to meet your therapeutic needs and goals. This treatment plan will include a description of the therapeutic techniques we can utilize, all of which will be thoroughly explained to you so that your informed consent is obtained before we begin any specific therapeutic interventions.

While we will be taking a therapeutic approach that is specifically and uniquely tailored to you, some of the other specific therapeutic techniques we may utilize are Psychodynamic Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy, Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, Logotherapy, Transactional Analysis, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Schema Therapy, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR), Therapeutic Breath-work, Clinical Hypnosis, Stress Reduction Techniques, Guided Imagery, and Thought Field Therapy.
As an important part of our work together, I will also encourage you to keep a personal journal where you can record your private thoughts, feelings, dreams, struggles, hopes, insights, goals and progress. In addition, to facilitate your progress, and to help you practice and build on the work completed in our sessions, from time to time, I will also provide you with information, strategies, tools, and educational aids in the form of books, handouts, therapeutic exercises, audio, and video material for you to use between our sessions. Finally, I will also encourage you to contact me via phone or email between sessions if you have any unforeseen challenges or pressing questions.

Sometimes quickly and sometimes more gradually, the process of counselling and psychotherapy will enable you to not only overcome your life challenges but also develop more awareness of yourself and your relationship with others. This awareness will naturally unfold as you develop a clearer understanding of yourself through an analysis of your family of origin, childhood experiences, dreams, and other important relationships and events, while you experience the benefits of other helpful counselling and psychotherapeutic techniques. A deeper understanding of yourself, emotional healing, personal growth, peace of mind, and more authentic and healthy relationships with others, can naturally develop through your commitment to the process of positive change.